School Councillors

Congratulations to the eight children who have been selected to be School Councillors for 2023- 2024. All children in P4 to P7 had to write a manifesto to outline why they should be considered to be on the School Council. Two children from each class were chosen. They will meet every month to bring their ideas, and also the ideas from the other children in their classes, on what can be done to impove things around our school. We are very excited to see what great ideas they will have.

P6/7 WWII War Memorial Visit

After finding out about WWII during World Around Us lessons, pupils dressed up as evacuees to visit NI War Memorial museum in Belfast. This was a great opportunity for pupils to increase their understanding of what life was like in NI during WWII, with an engaging workshop and opportunities to handle artefacts from the period.  

Rasharkin's got Talent

We ended off the school year with our annual talent show organised by P7. We were entertained by a variety of acts from singing, dancing, gymnastics, and playing musical instruments to football and scooter skills! Well done to all those children who took part and to the P7s for organising. Thank you also to our judges Mrs Armstrong, Janelle and Riannan who had a very difficult job and also to Mrs Armstong and Riannan who showed everyone their talent at playing musical instruments!

The P1/2 winners were Penny and Emilie who did ballet, P3 winner was Lily who did roller skating, P4/5 had 2 winning acts - Kain for scooter tricks and Evie, Bethany and Lily for gymnastics. and the P6/7 winner was Hollie who played the accordian. The overall winners were Sophia, Beth, Evie, Ruby, Katie and Jane who wrote and performed their own puppet show! Well done everyone!

Barnabas Award

Professor Alan Woodside presented the Barnabas Award for good character to Kelsey P6.


We had a really great Sports Day yesterday. We had lovely weather and we were delighted to welcome lots of parents and friends to support our children. We had team games based on Multi Sports:- rugby, football, athletics and golf.

The class races were:- running, obstacle, egg and spoon and mini-marathon. Playgroup children and parents and friends also enjoyed taking part in races.


On Friday our school trip was to Greenmount Campus for part of their ‘Open Farm Weekend’. The children were very excited to look at, and take part in, lots of activities.

  • They loved seeing the tractors and silage machinery

  • They watched sheep shearing and learned about what happens to the wool

  • They saw the calves.

  • They were told about the importance of worms for the soil.

  • They made some lovely flower arrangements.

Afterwards the children all went to Loughshore Antrim, for their lunch and they had lots of fun at the park.

May Assembly Awards

We were delighted to present certificates to these children for ‘Being Kind and Caring’ and ‘Getting on Well with Others’, during the months of May

Orienteering Competition

P6/7 had a great morning on Wednesday at Coleraine College, taking part in an Orienteering competition organised by Fred Corscadden, who has recently taken sessions in an after-schools club. All children did very well but congratulations to Dan and Mark who were overall winners, completing the course with a very impressive time of 8 minutes, 2 seconds! Robin and Mark came second in P6/7, with another great time of 10 minutes, 7 seconds. Thank you to Fred for organising and Coleraine College for hosting.


We have been delighted to have coaches from Coaching for Christ with us each week throughout the school year. To say thank you, we had a sponsored non uniform day and are most grateful to our generous parents who enabled us to pass on a cheque for £700.


P1 and P2 enjoyed their trip to Portglenone Forest on Wednesday 10th May. This was a Shared Education trip with the children from St Patrick’s Primary. Liz from Forest Services, had set up The Gruffalo trail for the children to follow. They enjoyed trying to work out the animals that the little mouse would meet, from the clues that were along the trail. They also enjoyed learning the names of trees and flowers as they walked along. They also loved the bluebells and were excitied to see the squirrels in the trees. Their morning finished with some den building.

STEM Sugar Workshop

Thank you to STEM ambassador Anna who delivered a sugar workshop to P6/7. They learned how much sugar there is in different food, drinks and cereals and how to reduce sugar in our diet by only eating these foods occasionally or as a treat.

Piano Exam Success

Congratulations to Mark on receiving his Grade 1, piano exam. Mark has piano lessons in school with our piano teacher, Mrs. Heather McAleese. Ambassador Mr Ilir Kapiti from Kosovo, presented the certificate.

Scripture Union

We’re delighted to have Eve and Katie (E3 Schools’ workers) and volunteers from the local church, coming into school each Wednesday, to offer pupils a lunchtime Scripture Union club.  We really appreciate all the time the volunteers give up.

Cycling Skills

We were delighted that all P7s were able to complete a Cycling Skills course with Johnny McCrystal, Sustrans.

Coronation Celebrations

Thanks to a grant from Causeway Coast and Glens, we were able to enjoy a picnic lunch to commemorate the coronation. Pupils also completed a craft, planted seeds for themselves and a ‘coronation sunflower bed’. Mr. Ian Paisley and Ambassador Mr Ilir Kapiti from Kosovo, presented our pupils with a certificate to mark the coronation. 

Sentius IT Careers Talk

Thank you to Roy from Sentinus who visited school on Thursday to give the P6/7 class a talk on potential career paths in Information Technology.

Sharkin Plan-It Survey

The staff and volunteers with Sharkin-Plan-It wanted to make sure as many parents as possible get the chance to have their views heard and have asked us to share this questionnaire.  There is a small amount of funding to allow for a prize draw for those taking part.  The closing date is 15th May.