LMC Cookery Demonstration

P6/7 enjoyed learning about healthy food choices with Wenda Bristow from LMC. After discussing with the children the ‘Eatwell Plate’ and the importance of balanced choices, pupils learnt about ‘Farm Quality Assured’ meat and then had the chance to taste the delicious meatballs.

Prize Day June 2024

We were delighted to have the opportunity to celebrate with pupils, staff and parents the achievements and successes of another year at our annual prize day. Mrs Alison Gilmore, who is retiring after twenty five years of service, was our guest of honour. With mixed emotions, a gift was presented to her from the school community.

Rasharkin's got Talent 2024

We had great fun on Wednesday at our annual end of term talent show. We had everything from football and hockey skills to piano playing and singing. Well done to P7 who organised the show. They showed off their talents being hosts, organising props and making PowerPoints. Thank you to Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Gurney and Miss McIntyre for doing the very difficult job of judging.

Congratulations to Mason who was the overall winner with his rap song.

Reading Awards

Congratulations to all our children who have worked hard on their reading in this last summer term of clear evenings! These children received special awards for reaching their targets with 100% accuracy; Evie S, Evie A., Beth, Izabelle, Robbie-Leigh and Lily. Many congratulations to Isla, Erin, Katie, Jacob, Hollie and Evie A. who were ‘Millionaire Readers’ this year and special honour goes to Joy and Izabelle who have read two million words!

Ditch the Stabilisers

Special thanks to Johnny McCrystal from Sustrans who came along to school today to help some children move from riding a bike with stabilisers, to riding without them. Congratulations to the three boys who took part. Archie, Daniel and Caleb all did brilliantly and were riding confidently around the playground.by the end of the session.

Sports Day

On Tuesday we were delighted that we were able to hold Sports Day. Although it was a little bit cold, it was dry, and we all had a really enjoyable time. Our theme for this year was the Olympics and the team games were : Olympic torch, Relay, Penalty shoot out, Long jump and of course Snack Attack. Thank you to all the children who participated in the races and a huge thanks to all the parents ad friends who came along to support their children.

50th Anniversary Concert

To celebrate our school’s 50th anniversary the pupils worked hard to put on a performance of ‘A lemonade Bottle for Clabberin’ Hitler’. This narrative play was a very ambitious project, but the children rose to the challenge and put on an amazing show. Well done everyone! With special thanks to all staff who helped to produce the play.

Happy Birthday Rasharkin PS

Our school councillors organised a birthday party for our school, after a request from P1/2. Children enjoyed a special lunch and party games, along with a delicious chocolate cake.

Bible Exhibition Visit

P6/7 pupils were offered the opportunity to visit an exhibition in Cullybackey, telling them about some of the key stories in the bible. The organisers complimented all the children on their excellent behaviour and listening. Evie and Katie were the prize winners from the quiz that was held. Well done!

Summer Trip to Portrush

Today we had our summer, school trip to Portrush. Despite a very unfavourable weather forecast, we ended up escaping most of the showers (P5-7 being the unfortunate ones!). We all had different session in the Portrush Coastal Zone where Rosie the Ray was a firm favourite. We also had some fun on the beach followed by a visit to the park. At lunch time we met at the town hall where we were able to have lunch inside. The best part of the day was a trip to the icecream shop where there were so may flavours to choose from.

Shared Education sports

P5/6/7 had another great day with St. Patrick’s Primary on Wednesday trying out Gaelic football and camogie at St. Mary’s GAA. Thank you to all the coaches for making it such an enjoyable experience. The children finished their final session this year with a special treat - delicious pizzas from Fullans!

Coaching For Christ Fun Day

We were delighted to finish our Coaching for Christ football sessions with a day of fun activities.  Many thanks to Simon, Kerry and all the team at Coaching for Christ for all they have taught us during the year.  Generous donations from parents allowed us to pass on a gift of £500 to Coaching for Christ.

Cycling Proficiency

Our P7 children have been taking advantage of the good weather to complete their Cycling Proficiency training. They all worked really hard and have learned lots of new skills. They have also been shown lots of ways to keep safe as they cycle on the road.

After School Tennis

Pupils in P4-7 have enjoyed staying for after school tennis and have been improving their skills weekly. With thanks to Dianne who has coached and encouraged the pupils so patiently each week.


Pupils were delighted when the friendly Pantosaurus dinosaur visited school to help children remember the important ‘PANTS’ rule. Talk PANTS is here to help children understand their body belongs to them, and they should tell a safe adult they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried. 

Shared Education Rugby

P5/6/7 had a great day at Ballymoney Rugby club with St Patrick’s Primary, trying out lots of new rugby skills including scrumming and tackling! Thanks to Bengy and all the Ballymoney coaches for a very active and enjoyable session.

The Amazing Journey

We were delighted that volunteers from Ballymena Baptist, competently led by Amazing Journey coordinator, Josh, came into school to share with children the life of Paul.

Lunch In the Sun!

A picnic lunch was enjoyed by all, to celebrate the first week of summer sun!

Reading Awards April / May

Congratulations to these children who received reading certificates for April-May for Reading Eggs and Accelerated Reading. Toby won the AR cup for the first part of the summer term, with almost 50 points! Benjamin, Mark, Evie and Beth all achieved their targets with 100% accuracy! Well done!