We ended off the school year with our annual talent show organised by P7. We were entertained by a variety of acts from singing, dancing, gymnastics, and playing musical instruments to football and scooter skills! Well done to all those children who took part and to the P7s for organising. Thank you also to our judges Mrs Armstrong, Janelle and Riannan who had a very difficult job and also to Mrs Armstong and Riannan who showed everyone their talent at playing musical instruments!

The P1/2 winners were Penny and Emilie who did ballet, P3 winner was Lily who did roller skating, P4/5 had 2 winning acts - Kain for scooter tricks and Evie, Bethany and Lily for gymnastics. and the P6/7 winner was Hollie who played the accordian. The overall winners were Sophia, Beth, Evie, Ruby, Katie and Jane who wrote and performed their own puppet show! Well done everyone!