We kicked off our new topic by making models of our bodies durning outdoor play.
We kicked off our new topic by making models of our bodies durning outdoor play.
We have been having lots of fun in P3 getting ready for the festive period.
We took part in the Santa Daily mile
Enjoyed some festive treats
Got creative making a Christmas Canvas
Came to school in our P-Js
Celebrated our Reading Eggs success
We are ready for the holiday!!!
P6/7 were delighted to have the opportunity to investigate renewable energy. They made solar powered fans, wind turbines and hydro powered winches.
P6/7 looked at the Colour Wheel and practised blending to make specific colours. They used these skills to create these fantastic wind turbine silhouettes linked to our topic of Renewable Energy.
P6/7 have been enjoying finding out about electricity in their Energy topic. They used their knowledge of circuits to make Christmas trees with real bulbs. Some children discovered that wiring their circuit in parallel would have been better than wiring it in series.
P6/7 created cereals about their favourite books. They had to create a name and a game connected to the characters, plot or themes in their book. They also wrote a review of their book which went on the back of the cereal box. Lots of creativity and imagination !
As part of Anti-Bullying week, P6/7 came up with five ways they could show kindness. They wrote fantastic poems to explain what kindness means to them.
This was the last science lesson that the children in P4/5 had with Miss. Craig. In this lesson they were making ‘Elephant’s Toothpaste’. The children were considering different animals that might be found in Africa to guess what Miss. Craig’s animal of the day would be. They then listened to the story by David Walliam’s, The Slightly Annoying Elephant.
The Elephants Toothpaste was made by adding yeast to hydrogen peroxide. They added food colouring to it to add a special coloured foam that came overflowing out of the bottle.
The children thoroughly enjoyed these science sessions and wish Miss. Craig all the best in her studies in Stranmillis.
We read the story together and afterwards we enjoyed using the book and props to re-tell the story in our playroom. We used playdough to make stars for night time. At the art table we made owl paintings and added sticks that we gathered from outside.
We worked together in groups and made numbers using a collection of cones, twigs and leaves outside.
We retold the story durning our trail outside.
Our children really enjoy getting outside and working collaboratively with their peers. P4/5 enjoyed building animal shelters during their outdoor session with Mrs. Peden this week. They worked in groups to gather natural materials and construct a shelter that would offer a small animal some shelter.
The children in P4/5 enjoyed teir class treat today as they had reached the next line in our jar. The children collect pom-poms for a number of different reasons such as; excellent behaviour, being kind, good listening, excellent work etc. The children all suggested treats they would like and these were voted for. Today they really enjoyed watching a Christmas Movie!
Well done children! Keep up the hard work!
In Rasharkin Primary we enjoy taking part in Daily throughout the year, however today we enjoyed their Daily Mile Santa Run today. This encouraged the children to ‘Be Active’ which is one of our Take 5 strategies.
P4/5 enjpyed their 3rd science lesson with our Stranmillis student, Miss. Craig. In this lesson they were looking at how some animals in Africa are camouflaged and blend into their background. They considered why animals might use this to protect themselves and how others use it to help them sneek up on theor prey without beingh noiticed. They then created their own camouflaged animals to blend in with theirt collage background.
We wanted to experiment with different materials to find out which ones were best for shelter for Freddy the Teddy. Wood and plastic did a great job wheras fabric and paper just let the water into poor teddy.
Looking for sticks longer than our boots and shorter than our boots. We compared the lengths of our sticks and placed them in the correct order.
P4/5 enjoyed a science lesson Miss. Craig looking at the best insulating materials.
We had ice cubes and compared the rate they melted at.
Uncovered ice
Cotton wool
Kitchen roll
Tissue paper
Bubble Wrap
We discovered the best insulator was the cotton wool as the ice melted the slowest. The worst insulator was leaving the ice uncovered.
The children in P4/5 had lots of fun investigating 3D shapes. They built them to help them find out about the shape and number of faces, the number of vertices and the number of edges.
Maths is fun!
The children in P4/5 enjoyed their class treat, of a lolly pop, for collecting the pom-poms in our classroom reward jar. Collectively the children had chosen this as a reward they all wanted and they seemed to very much enjoy it! Well done everyone!