P6 and P7 researched famous Victorians during their WAU topic. They wrote biographies about people like Thomas Barnardo and John Cadbury and did some art work inspired by William Morris. They really impressed with their vocabulary and creativity.
P6 and P7 researched famous Victorians during their WAU topic. They wrote biographies about people like Thomas Barnardo and John Cadbury and did some art work inspired by William Morris. They really impressed with their vocabulary and creativity.
On Tuesday’s P4/5 have been enjoying football coaching with ‘Coaching For Christ’. The coaches Simon, Lewis and David have been delivering fun and engaging sessions that the children really enjoy!
In P4/5 we are collecting pom-poms in a glass jar to earn some class rewards that have been chosen by the children. The first treat they chose was to ‘Bring a toy to school’. The children all throughly enjoyed brining in their toys to show to their friends and are all working hard towards their next class treat!
P4/5 had their first science lesson with Stranmillis student, Miss. Craig. Miss. Craig was a student in Rasharkin Primary School last year and this year is returning to carry out a series of Science lessons in afternoon sessions with P4/5.
Today’s lesson was linked to the new TWAU topic for P4/5 on Africa. Today they focused on the need to clean water for drinking and looked at how water can be filtered to clean it. They investigated using both sand and stones to compare which one caught the most dirt and gave out the cleaner water.
P4/5 enjoyed their Harvest Hoolie celebrations just before our half term break. They had a fun-filled day that including dressing up, games, dancing and crafts.
Congratulations to Isla in P3 who was chosen as a winner from the recent Child Safety on Farms poster competition. The calendar for 2022 will feature the entry drawn by Isla. We were delighted to award her with her competition prize! Well Done Isla!
You may have heard your child talking about taskboard. Durning taskboard time the children enjoy using various resources practically enabling explortion of their new numbers and letters.
We enjoyed making an Autumn shop using fruit from the school trees. The children also practised their teamwork skills by working together to build a house and furniture.
We have been learning about harvest time durning our topic of ‘all about me in Autumn’. The children picked the carrots that we planted last summer.
P1 and P2 really enjoyed reading the story Itchy Bear. In the playroom they made a den for Itchy Bear with blocks and leaves. P1 and P2 are learning about apples and explored the apple trees in our school.
P1 enjoyed getting buckets of water and paint brushes to paint their numbers outside.
Our P1 and P2 children have had lots of opportunities this year to have outdoor play and forest school activities. This week they were thinking about the benefits of being outside and they also collected memories of their outdoor activities and made them into ‘journey sticks’. Some of the items were feathers, cones, and fallen leaves.
As they looked back over the year, they focused on two main questions -
How does being outside make you feel?
What have you learned about nature?
On a little wooden disc they drew the answers to these questions.
P1/2 topic for this half term has been ‘Summer’. In the playroom they have been focusing on summer activities and have an ice-cream shop, cafe and of course the water tray.
P6/7 have been reading ‘Shadow’ by Michael Morpurgo, in class. This book tells the story of Aman, a refugee who travels from Afganistan to England. P6/7 created board games based on Aman’s journey. and everyone had great fun playing them.
As part of their World Around Us topic, Ancient Egypt, P6/7 designed and made Egyptian death masks using cardboard, modroc and paint. They all look fantastic!
P2 did some paired work. They did a character study from the story ‘Where’s my Teddy?’ by Jez Alborough. They worked together to make posters about Teddy and to add descriptive labels to their posters.
The children in P3 have been reading a story called The Magic Harp, where the character Fergal, gets to go on an exciting adventure.
P3 designed stones to represent their favourite, exciting adventure.
They then used their stones as the centre feature of their Mandalas.
A mandala is a symmetrical piece of Art, using nature. They all did a fantastic job.
P1 and P2 have been working hard on their spellings. P2s used chalk to write their words on the playground. The P1 children were very busy using phonics to spell.
P1 and P2 have been making patterns outdoors. They used natural resources to create repeating patterns. They loved using the outdoor classroom for this activity.
P6 and P7 built their own shadufs. These are ‘cranes’ that the Ancient Egyptians used to lift water out of the River Nile to irrigate their fields. The children tested their model shadufs to see if they worked.