Shared Education sports

Over the last few weeks, P6/7 have been taking part in shared sport sessions with St Patrick’s primary school supported by a grant. Thank you to the Causeway Coast and Glen’s coaches who led sessions which included football, handball, cricket, golf and athletics.

April Assembly Certificates

Each month we choose two areas of outstanding behaviour amongst our pupils to award. This month pupils received certificates for ‘Being Kind and Caring’ and ‘Remembering to Choose a Healthy Break’. Congratulations to all those who worked hard in these areas.

50th Anniversary Prize Winners

Congratulations to our prize winners from our 50th Anniversary competitions. 

50th Anniversary Celebrations

On Wednesday 24th April, we had our 50th Anniversary Celebration for Rasharkin Primary School.

What an amazing evening it turned out to be!

The first part of the evening was a short programme in the assembly hall.

  • Welcome by Mrs Ruth Howe (Principal)

  • Community Choir - (present and past pupils, staff members and parents) sang

    Raindrops Keep falling on my head and Somewhere Over the Rainbow (click on the links)

  • A Brief History of Rasharkin School by Mr Fred Kyle

  • Interviews with

    Mrs Rosemary Calderwood (past pupil, past parent and present P1/2 teacher)

    Mr Stanley Lee (former Principal)

    Mr Henry Clements (former Principal)

    Thanks to Beth and Jacob for preparing the questions, and conducting the interviews

  • Mrs Lorna Wylie (Chair of the Board of Governors) closed in prayer

    During the remainder of the evening, the large number of past and present staff, pupils and parents enjoyed a trip down memory lane. They chatted together and looked at the displays of old photographs spanning the last fifty years of Rasharkin Primary School.

    A huge thanks to all who attended and also to the current staff and pupils who worked tirelessly, preparing the displays for the event.

    It really was a very special evening.

Intergenerational Lunch (P6/7)

Thanks to a grant from Linking Generations Northern Ireland and Public Health Agency we were delighted to be able to host an intergenerational lunch for pupils and their families. Pupils prepared and presented quizzes and shared in the fun of seeing which team were the winners. Our visitors enjoyed the chance to make new connections and have a chat over lunch.

Easter Egg Hunt

Children enjoyed working in teams to find their Easter Eggs. It’s always a great opportunity for the older children to develop their skills in helping younger children and for everyone to learn how to work together. With special thanks to Miss Henry and Miss McIntyre for hiding the eggs (in the rain!).

Art Workshop

Thanks to a grant the Rasharkin Primary School Parents’ Association was able to get from Causeway Coast and Glens, Festival of Learning, children participated in an art workshop. They worked to learn new ways of making a range of marks on fabric and then transferred these new skills to their final pieces. The facilitator will then collate all the pieces to create a wall hanging for the school.

March Assembly Awards

Congratulations to these children who earned reading certificates for AR, Reading Eggs and Fast Phonics. Children also received prizes for achieving their target (within their reading range) and getting 100% accuracy. Isla earned the AR Cup for this half term, with more than 10 times her reading target!

Assembly Awards were also presented to children for being ‘Kind and Caring’ and Mental Maths.

Well done to all our pupils for their hard work.

Easter Assembly

We were delighted to share songs, readings and poems with all the parents and friends who joined us for our Easter assembly. It is so beneficial for the children to have the opportunity to perform to an audience.

Woodhall 3

Tired children this morning for the ‘Crystal Maze’, but the weather has been very kind and they have all stepped up to accept the challenges with joy.

Woodhall Day 2

We’ve been very fortunate with the weather and enjoyed the beautiful White Rocks Beach this morning, with very little rain and even were able to have a picnic on the beach! We came back to Woodhall for high ropes and archery and are so impressed with how many new things our children have tried.

Woodhall Day 1

We have had a brilliant first day of our residential, enjoying the spring sunshine. Children enjoyed orienteering and then as the restrictions were lifted just yesterday, canoeing at Movangher Canal this afternoon. Lots of children also took the plunge and jumped into the water!

P3/4 TWAU Transport and Journeys

P3/4 enjoyed our last topic of Transport and Journeys where they had a classroom ‘Travel Agents’ to book holidays. They enjoyed a range of activities as part of our Activity Based Learning where they were able to make models out of junk art, play table top games and investigate items that float and sink in the water tray.

P3-4 TWAU topic- 'Ourselves'

P3/4 are enjoying looking at their new topic- ‘Ourselves’. We have a very busy doctor’s surgery in our classroom where they are treating their patients. They have also been looking at body parts and what they are used for. The children also used their 5 senses (hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch) to guess what was in the box.

We even had a classroom crime scene when our treats gem jar got stolen. The children had to look for clues around the crime scene including things that were left that gave us clues about the person. Like real investigators they looked at finger prints and took the finger prints of everyone in our classroom. They discovered that everyone has unique finger prints and with all the clues the children were able to solve the crime and get their gem jar back! Well done BOYS AND GIRLS!

P3/4 Numeracy- Directional Language

P3/4 have been learning about directional language which they were able to use to help them code our class BeeBots. They had various challenges to get from one location on the map to another. We also had a go at giving code to our partners too. Well done boys and girls- you were able to plan your route carefully!

World Book day in P3/4

In P3/4 the children really enjoyed having a real life ‘Gangsta Granny’ along to read them their current class novel. They were able to ask her a range of questions and tell her their favourite part of the book. In class we enjoyed designing book covers for our favourite books, dressing up as their favourite book characters and doing our ‘Big Book Swap’ where the children had the opportunity to bring an old book that they were finished with to swap with it with someone else.

Multi-Skills Taster session with P3-4

Yesterday the children enjoyed taking part in a taster session of multi-skills. They played a selection of team games including hand ball, cone catch, bean bag balance . They also worked on some ball skills including dribbling and toe taps.

If you would like your child to sign up for the multi-skills after schools club please see the most recent letter that went home and return the reply slip.