World Book Day

Pupils (and staff) enjoyed coming to school dressed as a character from their favourite books for World Book Day, this helped discussion about books and inspire reading recommendations. The older pupils also worked hard to engage children from Playgroup in their stories, by reading with different expressions and asking questions.

Assembly Awards

Congratulations to the children pictured below who received an ‘Assembly Award’ for  being ‘Kind and Caring’  and ‘Working Well in a Group’ during February.

Football Team

Many congratulations to our football team, who played so well that they reached the semi finals on Wednesday afternoon. We are so proud of both how well they played and the character they displayed whilst taking part. Two different referees commented on their honesty and respect. Well done! With special thanks to Mr. Green (and Mr. Watson) who accompanied us, lent their expert advice with the team and helped with lifts.

Road Safety NI Finals

We are delighted to have had a team represent he school at the Northern Ireland, Road Safety Finals. Well done to our pupils who answered questions about road safety, solved tricky anagrams and displayed their general knowledge to come in (joint) third place.

Advice for Parents

Click here for the latest edition of the NHSCT’s, ‘RISE Higher’ Newsletter for parents of children in KS 2.

P3-5 Adobe Workshop

Today the children in P3-5 took part in a workshop to introduce them to the use of Adobe. As it is World Book Day tomorrow; they worked in pairs to produce a poster as a book cover. They were able to add text changing the colour, font and size. They added a background image using artificial intelligence (AI) to search for a suitable image using key words. The were able to produce great book covers which they were very proud of!

Reading Awards

Congratulations to all our pupils who have worked hard this half term to earn a certificate. Pupils received certificates for reaching their AR targets and completing Reading Eggs maps. Special awards were also presented to those pupils who had reached their target with 100% accuracy. The AR cup for this half term was shared between Daniel and Erin. Noah, Holly and Ruby received special prizes in recognition of their extra hard work this half term.


We are delighted to have recently got a grant that allows the school to purchase three clarinets. These will be available for pupils to borrow if they decide to take up clarinet lesson with Mrs. McAleese. Mrs McAleese played her clarinet for us to let pupils hear what it sounds like.

Safer Internet Day Workshop

In school this week pupils have been learning on how to keep themselves safe and healthy while enjoying time online. P6/7 participated in a workshop facilitated by Claire, Dry Arch Centre.

Hopeful Minds

Laura and Emma from RISE have been coming into school on Wednesday afternoons to run a workshop for P6/7 called “Hopeful Minds”. This workshop is designed to teach children life skills for creating, maintaining and sustaining hope.

Road Safe NI Quiz - Regional winners!

Today four of our pupils, Evie P7, Jacob P6, Katie P7 and Mark P7 took part in the Road Safety quiz which is run by Road Safe NI Charity. It was held in the Lodge Hotel Coleraine. There were twenty teams in the competition and the children had to answer questions on Road Safety and also General knowledge. We were delighted that Rasharkin Primary School children were winners for the region, with Castleroe Primary 2nd place and Bushvalley Primary School 3rd Place.

Our team now go into the Northern Ireland final on 4th March in Cookstown. Well done everyone!


There was a lot of excitement in school today when the snow arrived. The children had great fun making snowmen, snow caterpillars and igloos. It was the perfect snow for rolling massive snowballs.

Shared Education

Click here to visit our Shared Education page to see what we have been learning about together with pupils from St. Patrick’s PS.

Autism Workshops

Please click here for more information regarding Autism Workshops that Bushvalley Primary School are hosting for staff and parents through Middletown Centre for Autism.

Assembly Awards, December 2023

Congratulations to the children pictured below who received certificates for: Being Kind and Caring, Showing Resilience, Accelerated Reader, Reading Eggs and Fast Phonics. Evie and Izabelle shared the Accelerated Reader cup, both who had almost ten times their target. Joy received an award as our first millionaire reader this year.

Christmas Concert, December 2023

Pupils performed two plays to a packed audience.   Well done to all the pupils who put on a great show.  Many thanks to all the staff for their hard work in preparing the children behind the scenes and to Rasharkin Presbyterian Church for the use of their facilities.

Christmas Dinner

We were delighted to be able to host so many grandparents and adults for Christmas lunch, with our pupils in P3-5. Many thanks to Mrs Henry and Mrs Peden who arranged games for everyone to play together and Mrs Logue for all her hard work in the kitchen. It was delightful to be part of the fun and enjoy this opportunity thanks to a grant from Linking Generations NI and the Public Health Agency.

Breakfast Club

We have been delighted to be able to offer parents the opportunity to drop off their child at school from 8.00am. Children can stay in Breakfast Club until school opens and then join their usual class. Children can have a choice of cereal, toast and eggs. After they have finished their breakfast they can play table top games, or football and table tennis for the more energetic.

We have decided to continue running breakfast club in the New Year, as it has been so enjoyable for the children. To book for Breakfast Club, parents should send money and bookings at least 24hours before (to help plan staffing).  Children who come to school on the early bus are also welcome to join Breakfast Club for toast and games (50p).

P3/4 Class Treat- Bring a Toy to school Day

P3/4 have been working very hard to collect enough gems in their class jar to earn their next treat. Today each child brought in a toy from home to play with alongside their friends.

Radio Cracker

This morning the children from P5, P6 and P7 went to the Fairhill Shopping Centre to sing on the Radio Cracker Christmas Radio Station. They sang three songs from their “Christmas with the Aliens” musical.

Thanks to the parents who came along to hear us singing.