P6/7 wrote fantastic biographies during their Victorian topic. They also learned about the work of Victorian artist William Morris and created some Victorian silhouettes using a graphic design program.
P6/7 wrote fantastic biographies during their Victorian topic. They also learned about the work of Victorian artist William Morris and created some Victorian silhouettes using a graphic design program.
As part of the topic ‘Five a day’ the children in P1 and P2 made some fruit salad. They enjoyed eating it at break time and even wrote a poem about it!
A selection of persuasive leaflets by P6/7 to encourage people to visit out local area.
P5/6/7 have been looking at different emotions this term and ways to respond and cope when we experience these emotions. After looking at “anger”, the children designed board games to highlight different strategies to use when we get angry.
As part of their learning on capacity and volume, P6/7 were given the challenge of designing and constructing a container that would hold exactly 200 pieces of popcorn. Each group got a cup containing 10 pieces of popcorn which they used for estimating. They were only allowed to use paper, tape, scissors and a ruler. We had lots of different shapes and sizes but well done to Beth and Joy, who were the only group to make a container that held exactly 200 pieces of popcorn. Some others were very close and everyone got to enjoy the popcorn afterwards!
This term P6/7 have been looking at fables. They acted out familiar fables then wrote their own based on different morals.
As part of their World Around Us topic, P6/7 are carrying out an experiment to see if plants need soil to grow. They planted seeds in different materials to see what happens. In order to ensure it was a fair test, everything else stayed the same. They will check their plants in a couple of weeks to see if their predictions have come true.
Today P1 and P2 explored the village of Rasharkin. They discovered some facts about the village and made a list of shops and services that are there.
P6/7 have used their knowledge of 3D shapes to build these with sticks. Lots of teamwork skills were in use as they cooperated to get the shapes to stand upright.
P1 and P2 have been considering what they would like to do when they are all grown up. A massive THANK YOU to all the parents who came to visit the class and also to those who offered to help at another time. It was so interesting to learn about your jobs.
After the cold, snowy weather P1 and P2 though that it would be a good idea to make bird feeders for the school grounds.
P1 and P2 have been looking at the story of the Little Red Hen. They made puppets which they used to dramatise the story. They loved performing to the rest of the class.
P1 and P2 have been looking at ‘Toys’ for their World Around Us topic. They brought in some very interesting toys that belonged to their parents.
P6/7 have been enjoying using a great new resource to help children get to grips with place value. The counters range in value from 0.01 to 10,000 and are a great way for children to practise their skills with numbers up to five digits as well as fractions & decimals, using both a physical and visual representation of number. Each value is also represented by a colour, making each numerical value easily recognisable. They also encourage collaborative learning in pairs or larger groups.
The theme for Anti-bullying week this year is “Make a noise about bullying”. P5/6/7 joined in a live lesson which used Adobe Express, (a graphic design app) to create a poster to identify types of bullying and how it makes someone feel. P6/7 then created an animated video to highlight ways we can “make a noise about bulllying” and help others.
They also enjoyed wearing odd socks to help remind them of the importance of looking out for bullying behaviours and how to get help, if needed.