Thankful For...

As part of our health and well being program, P1 and P2 were making ‘thankful hearts’ to give out. Family, friends, our homes and food were some of the ideas that we came up with.

Picasso portraits P6/7

P6/7 created some cubist style portraits in the style of Spanish artist Pablo Picasso.

Izak 9

P6/7 have been working hard to learn about the relationships between decimals, percentages and fractions. They used Izak9 blocks to represent this.

P2 Numbers, Numbers Everywhere!

P2 children have been working hard to learn all of their number stories up to 6 and also investigate numbers to 20. Here are some pictures of them all hard at work.

P1 and P2 learn about Road Safety

During Active Travel week the P1 and P2 class have been learning about staying safe when out and about near a road.

P6/7 Viking at School

After reading Viking at School by Jeremy Strong, P6/7 created their own board games based on the book.

P3 and P4 World Around Us - WATER

Over the past few weeks P3 and P4 have been learning all about ‘Water’ in their World Around Us topic work.

Today they did four ABL (Adventure Based Learning) activities, about water.

  • Water tray - exploring capacity

  • Painting watery backgrounds for underwater sea pictures

  • Listening to water themed stories

  • Making a water wheel from K’nex


P6/7 used their maths skills to estimate and measure the length and width of a real Viking longboat.

They used sticks, lines and paces to help with their estimating, then used a trundle wheel to check. They discovered how accuracy is very important when measuring.

In class they discussed how to draw a plan of a Viking longboat using a scale. They also worked out the area and realised that sixty Viking sailors did not have a lot of room! Less than 1 square metre.

Viking Art

In Art P6/7 made model Viking longboats from cardboard.

They all look very realistic!


P4 and P5 have been learning about ‘Measure’ over the past few weeks. Today they went outside to look for things that they could measure. P4 were using non -standard units to measure. They used a sting that was one metre long. They had to find and measure items that were one metre, less than a metre and greater than a metre.

P5 children were using metre sticks and rulers to measure items to the nearest centimetre and millimetre. Before they started their precise measuring they used the outdoor classroom to record their estimates.


In their topic work, P6 and P7 have been learning all about the Vikings. They have produced some very impressive artwork using various art techniques. Have a look at their colourful dragon heads and shields.


P1 and P2 have been learning lots of things about the other boys and girls in their class. They have been learning that each person has his/her own name and that makes them special. They have been learning how to show respect to each other and how to play with, and talk to each other


Primary 1 and Primary 2 have been looking at the topic ‘Five a Day’. They have been looking at how eating vegetables and fruit is a great way to keep our bodies healthy.

They have been linking their topic work to all aspects of their learning.

  • Numeracy - sorting and counting apples. Sorting leaves and sticks and seeds.

  • Literacy - reading Handa’s Surprise and Oliver’s Vegetables. They wrote their own poem together. They used some really great describing words in their poem


Yellow smooth banana

Sweet juicy apple

Spikey leaved pineapple.

They used playdough to make fruit from the story Handa’s Surprise

  • Playroom - Built a garden shed and they had a Fruit and Vegetable shop

  • Outdoor activities - Went for a walk and they dug up the carrots that had been planted in spring time. They also gathered the leaves and seeds for sorting and counting. They saw the apples growing on the trees

P4 and P5 Music Morning

On Tueday P4 and P5 had a music morning led by Rhiannon Wilson who is in our school at the moment for some work experience. She brought her guitar to school and the class were trying to guess what was inside the case. Soon the class were singing along to some songs they knew while Rhiannon played the guitar. Then the class were given some percussion instruments so that they could join in with the music fun.

P4 & P5 Class Treat

P4 and P5 have been working hard all year to earn pom-poms to put into their class jar. Each time they fill the jar up with pom-poms, they get to choose a treat. The treat that P4 and P5 wanted was a pyjama and movie day. Everyone came in wearing their pyjamas and they got to watch Paddington 2. They also brought in a teddy bear!

P6/7 Titanic projects

For the last two weeks of term, P6/7 were given the opportunity to do their own project on the Titanic. They worked individually, in pairs and groups to create Powerpoint presentations, quizzes, art work and dioramas. The end results were were very impressive and demonstrated great creativity!

P1 and P2 Art and Design

P1 and P2 were learning about the work of artist and sculptor, Andy Goldsworthy. We enjoyed working in the sunshine to create our own nature sculptures.

P4/5 Outdoor PDMU Emotions lesson

P4/5 were outside enjoying the sunshine today while learning about our emotions. We used the emotion cushions to secretly select one which they would re-create as a group. The other groups then had a go at guessing which feeling or emotion they thought was being represented. As a class we discussed what words might you use to describe that emotion and thought of scenarios when we might feel that emotion.

Titanic Models

As part of their World Around Us topic, “Unsinkable”, P6/7 made models of the Titanic in pairs. They all looked fantastic with some very similiar to the real thing!