Radio Cracker

P6/7 went to the Tower Centre in Ballymena on Wednesday morning to perform for Radio Cracker. Thank you to Bliss Patisserie who provided the children with juice and biscuits afterwards and to parents and friends who came to support us.

Gathering Drums with St Patrick's

P6/7 joined St Patrick’s primary school for a drumming session with Joe from The Gathering Drum. They had lots of fun making rhythms and playing games using different drums from all over the world. Thanks to Joe for a really enjoyable session and to St Patrick’s for hosting.

Beyond Bricks, Mindwise

P6/7 have been learning how to manage their emotions with the Beyond Bricks programme. Through building Lego, the programme helps young people develop emotional intelligence and regulation skills, equipping them to thrive in all areas of life. With thanks to NACN who provided a grant to enable us to offer this programme to our pupils.

Art and Craft Afterschool Club

It was a great start to the Art and Craft afterschool club this week. The children learned (Keep Learning) new skills, painting canvas pictures and the older children also decorated wooden bookmarks to take home. Everyone had great fun, whilst ‘connecting’ with their peers during the shared tasks. With many thanks to the funders below that have made this Take 5 Club possible.

Electric Circuits

The children in P6/7 have been learning all about electrical circuits. This week they got to create their own working circuits in class to light up a bulb.

Fun in the snow

The children have enjoyed playing in the snow this week and have built lots of snowmen

Anti-Bullying week P6/7

The theme for Anti-bullying week this year was “Respect”. P6/7 discussed how we can show respect and designed posters using a graphic design program Adobe Express.

Poppy Appeal

P6/7 got to be real shopkeepers as they ran the Poppy Shop for all pupils each lunchtime. This was a great opportunity to practice their skills in handling money and giving change. We were delighted to have raised such a great amount for this cause. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

P6/7 Shared Education trip to cinema

On Wednesday, P6/7 travelled to Limavady with St. Patrick’s Primary to watch the Into Film screening of “Elemental” Afterwards they had the opportunity to play in a new sensory park in Limavady. Everyone had great fun!

Progress in Recall of Tables Facts

Congratulations to all these pupils who worked hard to achieve the personal targets they set themselves for the speed in which they were able to complete one hundred random multiplication table facts.

Food Bank Donation

Many thanks to all the pupils, parents and staff who donated items for the local foodbank. Mrs. Gurney has kindly agreed to deliver the items to Ballymoney Foodbank who are delighted to receive such a generous donation.

Reading Awards

In Rasharkin Primary School, we think learning to read is a vital skill to master and so we encourage pupils with the presentation of certificates, prizes and a cup each half term, to mark small steps in their progress. These children received certificates for completing maps in ReadingEggs or reaching their Accelerated Reading Targets, with one pupil (Evie) doing so with 100% accuracy. Congratulations to everyone who worked hard on this both in school and at home to gain their certificates.

Harvest Assembly

We were delighted to be able to share a performance of songs, verses and bible readings with parents, grandparents and friends in our school assembly hall. Mrs. Henry was our guest of honour and P4/5 worked with Mrs. Peden to come up with ideas in line with our traditionally ‘Rasharkin Goodbye’ of what Mrs. Henry could do if she wasn’t a teacher. A presentation was made to Mrs. Henry from staff, parents and pupils, as we all wish her the very best in her new post.

It was great to have Rev. Nelson, Rasharkin Free Presbyterian Church, join us to share a chidlren’s address on ‘Fall’.

Harvest Hoolie

Thanks to staff who organised a carousel of Harvest themes activities for the pupils to enjoy before half term.

Scavenger Hunt

Thanks to a suggestion from our school councillors, pupils enjoyed working together in teams to find the items in out Autumn scavenger hunt.

Assembly with SU

We were delighted to have Eve (SU) with us to share the story of Joshua in assembly, reminding us that God is trustworthy. 

Take 5 Clubs

Pupils throughout the school have been enjoying many aspects of ‘Take 5’ when attending our free after school clubs, kindly supported by the Public Health Agency through the Clear Project. To date pupils have been active, whilst enjoying the benefits of fresh air at the ‘Great Outdoors’ club, making ‘connections’ with adults who joined us. During Orienteering Club, children have been ‘taking notice’ of the wonderful world we live in, whilst ‘learning’ new skills in map reading and orienteering.

Take 5 Ambassadors

P6/7 have been working on what it means to ‘Take 5’. Isla, Charlie, Erin, Lexi (and Izabelle although absent from below) worked together to create this presentation. They shared it in assembly to help teach all the pupils in school how they can look after their minds and bodies. Congratulations to our ‘Take 5 Ambassadors’ who will work to champion Take 5 throughout the school year.

Ditch the dark day in P6/7

P6/7 talked about where we see reflective things out and about and why it was important to wear reflective clothes in the winter time. We checked how reflective our clothes were and what we could do to make them better. They then designed their own reflective coats with lots of different designs and safety messages.

Journey through the Bible

P6/7 have been trying to make sense of the early books of the Old Testament. Jenny, from Bible Explorers, has taught the children key words and a hand signal for journeying through the bible from Creation - Ruth, to date. Lily, Joy and Evie have done really well to memorise all the signs and key words so far - well done! Thanks also to Jacob and Charlie who were our cameramen.