Following on from the three joint Art sessions which our P3 and P4 children have had with P3 pupils of St Patrick’s Primary School, parents and friends were invited to an ‘Art Exhibition’ to view the children’s work. This was held in St Patrick’s Assembly hall on Tuesday 26th November. We were delighted that so many parents from both schools attended. Mr Noel McCann, Principal of St Patrick’s Primary, welcomed everyone and explained how Shared Education works. Miss Richmond then spoke about the Art Project, which was on the topic of Autumn.

All the children spoke a few words about their favourite part of the Art Sessions, and about their trip to the Roe Valley Country Park. Refreshments were served and then everyone went to view the beautiful art work that the children had done.

Thanks to Miss Richmond and Mrs O’Ceannubhain for their hard work, coming up with ideas and then setting up the Art Sessions and the Art Exhibition, over the past number of weeks.