Our annual Harvest service was held in school on Wednesday 23rd October. We were delighted that so many parents and friends were able to come along to support us at this service. P1 - P3 sang ‘Big Red Combine Harvester’.Click here to view video The charity being supported by our school this year is NSPCC. Mrs Shirley Parkhill from NSPCC reminded us of some of the things that our children had been learning, when they visited our school back in September. The NSPCC are promoting the programme ‘ Speak out, Stay Safe’.

P4 - P7 sang ‘God Created them All’. Rev Roy Gaston used a tin of vegetable soup to remind us that that God has created all the fruit and vegetables that we eat. God has created the trees which provide us with the paper for the labels on the tin. He has created a world that has minerals in the ground to provide us with steel for the tins we use. At harvest time we thank God for all the people who grow, process and transport the different foods that we eat, from all over the world. Psalm 104 V 14 says ‘He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to cultivate - bringing forth food from the earth’.

Members of the Parents’ Association served coffee and tea afterwards.